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How to Include Your Stay-at-Home Mom Skills on your Resume to Land your Dream Job!

Nov 10, 2022

The skills that you acquire from staying home with your kids ARE transferable to the workforce and are the skills organizations are hiring for in 2022/23, you just need to know how to communicate them. Moms often worry about the gaps in their resumes, wondering if they will hold them back. We’re going to explore why you don’t have a gap in your resume/cv and how your "mom skills" directly translate into the skills organizations are hiring for.

Return to Work with an Incredible Stay-at-Home Mom Resume

Managing a household with kids is no small task, any mom you ask will agree (especially at the end of the day). Chances are that you haven’t even realized how many absolutely invaluable skills you have gained in your time at home–skills that can help you to grow a business, become a game-changing leader, or just empower you to help companies innovate. How can you show them how much you have to offer? Two words: bullet points.

Choosing the Right Bullet Points for Your Resume

Landing your dream job interview always means having a resume that gets passed on to those who are responsible for hiring. The main content on your resume, the bullet points, will determine whether or not they bring you in for an interview. In today’s world, many people cater their resumes specifically to the jobs that they are looking for. Choose bullet points that suit the career that you are looking to build.

How Many Bullet Points Per Job on a Resume?

It is easy to get hung up on the number of bullet points on your resume, but the number itself isn’t what matters. When you look at a stay-at-home mom resume sample, you will see they come in all shapes and sizes. A resume that has a smaller number of high-quality quantifiable bullet points will always outperform a resume that has generalized bullet points.  

Make the Ultimate SAHM Resume with These Powerful Mom Skills

Translating your work as a mom into terms that appeal to the workforce is easier than you might think. You just have to give yourself the credit that you deserve. Here are the top 10 skills organizations are hiring for in 2022/23 and how to translate your “mom skills” into bullet points when designing your new stay-at-home mom (SAHM) resume.

Time Management

As a mother, you are likely the person who is responsible for keeping everyone’s schedules in order. From sports and extracurriculars to playdates and meal times, moms live and breathe by the clock. These time management skills are not only essential for keeping your household organized–they can make you incredibly adept at project management, business leadership, and event planning.


Moms often act as the primary communicator for their families. They interact with people of different ages with different personalities in the home and are often largely responsible for external contact points–like doctors, coaches, teachers, and social groups. These are highly sought-after skills in the workforce!


There is no one more flexible than the mother who is managing children at different developmental stages. From runny noses to navigating those terrible twos, moms always make changes to get everything handled. Adapting to changes throughout the workday and keeping a cool head can be a game-changing difference in the workforce.

Emotional Intelligence

One of the primary strengths in effective leadership is having clear emotional intelligence–and moms are bursting with it. Navigating disputes in the home, solving problems effectively and incorporating active listening techniques all comes together to make moms a force unlike any other when it comes to managing different personalities.

Creative Thinking

Creativity is one area where moms often shine because they are responsible for defining the world for children of different ages. Whether you’re answering deep questions about life or just coming up with ways to entertain a bored kiddo, creativity is a powerful and adaptive tool that translates well into innovative work environments.


Moms don’t have a boss at home, which means we have to find ways to hold ourselves to certain standards without someone telling us what to do. Ask yourself how much time you spend committing yourself to projects and seeing them through–and don’t forget to highlight the tools and systems you use to get it all done!


When something goes wrong in the house, everyone goes running to mom. As a mother, you are the ultimate supervisor and problem solver in your home. Operational crises in the home are brought to your attention seven days a week–and you probably have more than a few examples of how you navigated these circumstances effectively.

Digital Skills

The modern mom often doubles as a technology and systems expert of the household. You use and download apps, make sure the internet stays online, and probably regularly use various popular systems and tools. Showcase these skills!

Teamwork and Collaboration

Navigating different people and personalities in the home is no small task, but moms see really rock at this. You are responsible for managing interpersonal relationships in the home and with those who are connected to it too. Consider how you manage everything, from staying in touch with loved ones to joining in on group projects in your home and community.

Growth Mindset

Are you always looking for ways to improve the dynamics in your home and willing to adapt to see these changes through? Great news–you have a growth mindset. Adapting to feedback, making changes to your process to yield better results, and improving every day gives you the mindset that employers want most!


Learn How to Make the Perfect Resume and Land Your Dream Job

Moms lift up our households and our communities, but we have to remember to lift each other up too. As a working mom and CEO, I am here to help you highlight your skills in a way that will help you to land your dream job. 

I have done the hard work for you and created a FREE resource that overviews the top 10 skills organizations are hiring for in 2022/23 with some examples of “mom skills” bullet points.  Check it out HERE.  It is 2022 ladies, it is time for a paradigm shift in the way we look at our skills! Do you agree?  Comment below!

Other FREE financial literacy resources for moms:


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